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Recent content by dusigns

  1. Flexi 7.5 print/cut issue (with versacamm)

    Fixed All: Thanks for you replies :-) An upgrade to 8.0v2 fixed the issues... new drivers perhaps? --Jason
  2. Flexi 7.5 print/cut issue (with versacamm)

    Hi all: I did post a similar message at the Roland user forums, but no luck. A colleague seemed to think it was a Flexi issue and I kind of agree, so here goes. We just purchased a Versacamm SP300 and are running Flexi 7.5v2. When sending a "hybrid" print/cut job, the image seems to print at...
  3. SP-300 Service Call 0121

    Service Call It turned out to be a broken thermistor a $30 part for anyone interested :-) ...Jason
  4. SP-300 Service Call 0121

    Hi all... We just purchased a used SP300, on initial power up (after moving), it's giving me the error "Service Call 0121" It's late and Roland Tech Support are closed, so thought I'd give this a try -- any ideas? It was fine before we moved it from the previous owner's shop, so I can't...
  5. Backup Battery???

    Backup battery Icedesign: Did you have to pop out and replace your battery... is it as easy as that or will various and sundry settings/options/parameters be lost? I have a "date issue" I'm trying to resolve on a JV3-160s - I started messing with the date setting and now can't go backwards...