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Search results

  1. New to the Biz and Very lost

    Wow....I'm with jimmysigns and Tparkin.....EXTREMELY glad I didn't ask too many questions, and even more glad that when I did I didn't mention my lack of experiece. Just browsed for the most part and read. There's a bunch of tough people around here! Everybody has to start...
  2. Sign Letter HELP!!

    I'll make this as quick and simple as possible. This will be my first time installing sign letters, and I'm a little confused. The letters are custom cast and very heavy. They are to be mounted with a 1/2" standoff....onto drywall. Here's where the confusion sets in. According to the company I...
  3. Just introducing myself

    Thanks for the welcome everyone!!
  4. Just introducing myself

    Thanks Pete
  5. Just introducing myself

    Hey all, My name is Eileen and I just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm new to the sign business, and stumbled across this forum. Seems like a great place to come for friendly advice, and to share ideas and such. I'm sure there will be many questions on my part in the near future. Take...