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Abnormal banding


New Member
Hey guys, recently picked up a Roland SP 540V. During transportation the lines some how all mixed inks and were green. After running a bunch of test photos everything cleared out and I started printing jobs. After doing about 30 banners (some with very heavy ink coverage like the picture attached) i started getting some weird banding issues.

Any ideas what this could be?

Just replaced the ink cartridges (all OEM inks)


  • IMG-20110609-00053.jpg
    49 KB · Views: 74


I have never had banding on banner material as I've only printed on a 13oz matte Ultraflex which prints BEAUTIFULLY on high speed with zero grain.

I know i get banding on adhesive vinyl if the print heat is set too low, On my matte material i set print to 90 and dryer to 104. Any higher on the print and i'll get head strikes as the material will buckle and you ALWAYS have to run slack out or you will get head strikes also. I have a SP-300i

I'm thinking maybe set the print heat alittle higher as I'm thinking the semi-gloss look to the banner material your using is kinda like what i get with glossy adhesive vinyl with the print heat too low.


New Member
This could be the banner material, is there not another type you can do a test on. I know you have mentioned that you have done plenty before, however, the surface can be irregular within the roll. Sometimes I have had what looks to be "dented lines" and that produces different shades.


New Member
Try to adjust the feed calibration. For banner material, The feed calibration must be set at a higher value, because the material is thicker them the vinyl.
This could be the banner material, is there not another type you can do a test on. I know you have mentioned that you have done plenty before, however, the surface can be irregular within the roll. Sometimes I have had what looks to be "dented lines" and that produces different shades.

we've had this happen(the dented lines) on our rolls of banner. we use 13oz and about 20ft to the end of the roll, there appears these dented lines, its a fault at the factory where they wrap it up too tight(according to our supplier).