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Roland VS-540i... to trash or not to trash

Jason Thomas

New Member
We have a 9.5 year old VS-540i. It's never had service other than the normal cleanings and consumables. It's been a great printer, though it never really had enough print jobs come through to live up to its potential. In recent weeks, the nozzles have started to completely drop out in parts, cleanings and printhead soaks just aren't doing anything. I immediately suspected a new printhead was needed. The vendor we purchased from said that it could be needing dampers, which is MUCH less cost than the printhead, of course. Either way, we are buying a replacement. My question to anyone who cares, is what is this Roland worth right now As-is? Do I try to replace the dampers or sell it as-is, possibly for parts? Donate to a trade school for practicing on? It is almost 10 years old and just like a major appliance, I'm inclined to say it's reached the end of its life. Attached is a photo of the nozzle test...


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New Member
We have a 9.5 year old VS-540i. It's never had service other than the normal cleanings and consumables. It's been a great printer, though it never really had enough print jobs come through to live up to its potential. In recent weeks, the nozzles have started to completely drop out in parts, cleanings and printhead soaks just aren't doing anything. I immediately suspected a new printhead was needed. The vendor we purchased from said that it could be needing dampers, which is MUCH less cost than the printhead, of course. Either way, we are buying a replacement. My question to anyone who cares, is what is this Roland worth right now As-is? Do I try to replace the dampers or sell it as-is, possibly for parts? Donate to a trade school for practicing on? It is almost 10 years old and just like a major appliance, I'm inclined to say it's reached the end of its life. Attached is a photo of the nozzle test...
Whereabouts are you based?


Premium Subscriber
I would sell as is. If you put new heads and dampers in it, you likely wouldn't be able to recoup that cost alone. Trade schools around here have nicer stuff than most businesses so I wouldn't bother with that route either.

victor bogdanov

Active Member
I had a very tough time selling a working VS300, had it listed for $1500 for 6 months, lots of "is it still available" but no sale. priced to basically cover the 1 year old printhead cost. Ended up taking the listing down, tired of the "is it available"


New Member
We’ve had our VS-540i since June 2015 and it travels, we have a mobile shop. It’s been a workhorse. Just did the first head replacement in the spring of 2022. Cap top about once a year. We love it and would buy another for at home if the price is right. What is your ink configuration? Ours is dual CMYK. Have you used aftermarket or OEM inks?

Jason Thomas

New Member
We’ve had our VS-540i since June 2015 and it travels, we have a mobile shop. It’s been a workhorse. Just did the first head replacement in the spring of 2022. Cap top about once a year. We love it and would buy another for at home if the price is right. What is your ink configuration? Ours is dual CMYK. Have you used aftermarket or OEM inks?
It's CMYKLmLcLk+cleaning. I have only ever used OEM Max2 inks in it. I agree it's a workhorse. I've used similar Rolands at previous shops. This one didn't really get pushed to its potential though, I think that's why it has taken 9+years to need a cap/head replacement.


New Member
The VS-540i proves itself as a reliable printer.

I continue to operate my VS-540i, alongside the new Roland VG3, which I haven't been to impressed with, IMO. Keep VS-540i in your arsenal and consider replacing the heads, dampers, and captop.

Signarama Jockey

New Member
I have a Roland 640i as my solvent machine and I love it. I'm not a tech, so I am not qualified to diagnose your problem, but I'd be really reluctant to bail on the machine before having a tech come out and throw whatever they've got at the wall. Dampers, flushing the lines, intensive cleaning, visual inspection... before the tech pronounces a specific part dead, I wouldn't bury it.

But, the dropouts in the test print, is that consistent? Same place on the head every time? Any head strikes you're aware of? Any leaks you've noticed? How is your wiper and felt and cap station?

Man, I'd really try to save it if you can. Good luck.


New Member
A new head, dampers, cap top and whatever else needs to be done will essentially make it print like new. If you really want to sell it, message me with a price, it would be worth the trip from Florida for me.

Jason Thomas

New Member
I have a Roland 640i as my solvent machine and I love it. I'm not a tech, so I am not qualified to diagnose your problem, but I'd be really reluctant to bail on the machine before having a tech come out and throw whatever they've got at the wall. Dampers, flushing the lines, intensive cleaning, visual inspection... before the tech pronounces a specific part dead, I wouldn't bury it.

But, the dropouts in the test print, is that consistent? Same place on the head every time? Any head strikes you're aware of? Any leaks you've noticed? How is your wiper and felt and cap station?

Man, I'd really try to save it if you can. Good luck.
Dropouts are consistent. Mostly in the M, some in the C. The Y is starting to get some drop out in the same area on the test print. No recent head strikes. I just changed both wipers before the issue started. No leaks. Cap station is original, never been changed. I think I will tinker with it until the new printer arrives. The owner doesn't want to sink much money into it. We were quoted $3,500 worst-case scenario to fix it. I think that's what's concerning us. Also the fact that the only service company that I can get to respond is the one that is selling us the new machine. And they would try to fix the Roland at the same time the new machine is delivered. And we really don't have the physical space to have the Roland sitting in limbo in the production area.


New Member
Dropouts are consistent. Mostly in the M, some in the C. The Y is starting to get some drop out in the same area on the test print. No recent head strikes. I just changed both wipers before the issue started. No leaks. Cap station is original, never been changed. I think I will tinker with it until the new printer arrives. The owner doesn't want to sink much money into it. We were quoted $3,500 worst-case scenario to fix it. I think that's what's concerning us. Also the fact that the only service company that I can get to respond is the one that is selling us the new machine. And they would try to fix the Roland at the same time the new machine is delivered. And we really don't have the physical space to have the Roland sitting in limbo in the production area.
Message me if you want to sell it

Signarama Jockey

New Member
Dropouts are consistent. Mostly in the M, some in the C. The Y is starting to get some drop out in the same area on the test print. No recent head strikes. I just changed both wipers before the issue started. No leaks. Cap station is original, never been changed. I think I will tinker with it until the new printer arrives. The owner doesn't want to sink much money into it. We were quoted $3,500 worst-case scenario to fix it. I think that's what's concerning us. Also the fact that the only service company that I can get to respond is the one that is selling us the new machine. And they would try to fix the Roland at the same time the new machine is delivered. And we really don't have the physical space to have the Roland sitting in limbo in the production area.
Yeah, that company is motivated to sell you a brand new machine, not to fix the problem and save you money. I think you're right to tinker.

Thinking about your problem, I can't see how it could be aid bubbles in the lines because it's happening on multiple color channels. Also, if there were air bubbles, the whole channel would be dropping out all over the place, not in the same position. The pattern almost looks like it is happening in the same location as the head, but if you haven't had any significant head strikes, I don't know what might have damaged it. New wipers are a plus, so we can rule that out. I'm betting you did manual and the array of automatic cleanings. No big pieces of fuzz or buildups of ink, probably. I am not an expert, but this doesn't seem like an electrical kind of problem.

Have you tried soaking the head? I don't remember asking.

If you're going to move onto a new machine, then definitely sell what you've got. Even with a few miles on them Rolands are pretty great machines.