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Bn-20 Nozzle


New Member
Hello, after I did a strong cleaning on my device, the magenta on the far left started not to print in the nozzle, what do you think? :(
After 2 strong cleanings, I did a nozzle test.


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New Member
I cleaned the device manually, but still the magenta on the left does not print. What should I do please help?


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New Member
have a visual check to make sure you have magenta in th line that leads to that channel, when did you last replace the captop? if older than nine months then replace. also consider a head soak for 48 hrs


New Member
have a visual check to make sure you have magenta in th line that leads to that channel, when did you last replace the captop? if older than nine months then replace. also consider a head soak for 48 hrs
Hello, how can I wet the head? Do I need to disassemble it completely? Can I get it wet without removing it? Thank you so much for your comment.


New Member
When I took a nozzle test in the morning, the magenta on the left came, but it did not print again in the next nozzle test.

Zoogee World

Domed Promotional Product Supplier
I just gave it time. I did nothing and it stopped for 1-2 days. I did not do a print or nozzle test. It was fixed when I tested it after 1-2 days.
That makes it sound like a damper or cap top issue, where it's getting starves of ink. Is it still working on full prints and not cutting out?


New Member
That makes it sound like a damper or cap top issue, where it's getting starves of ink. Is it still working on full prints and not cutting out?
Yes, it works and does not cut, I did not understand exactly what happened, but now everything is normal and there is enough paint in the pipes. I just have a different problem :(


New Member
The printer leaves black dots where it should be white. I still haven't figured out why.


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New Member
What does work nozzle test / test print look like?
There are defects in our black nozzles, but when I pressed something red, it still left those spots, but as red, not black. I can't understand anything, I've tried everything, but I can't get any results, I've been researching for 1.5 months. I cleaned the encoder strip on a recommendation, I cleaned different parts of the device. I changed the cap, I changed the wipers. But I can't get results, when I bought the device from a person 1.5 months ago, there was no such thing. I cannot reach an authorized service. I found a person who says he can do head cleaning, but I can't trust him :( the syringe cleaning is scary to me.


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Zoogee World

Domed Promotional Product Supplier
As you mentioned, there is definitely some deflection in the black and some missing nozzles on other colors. Did you try a 48 hour head soak? If not, it pretty easy to do.


New Member
As you mentioned, there is definitely some deflection in the black and some missing nozzles on other colors. Did you try a 48 hour head soak? If not, it pretty easy to do.
Thank you very much for your help, I don't know how to do this. Do I have to take the head out of its socket? Do I need to leave solution on the cap? Thanks to you, I am informed and I am grateful to you.

Zoogee World

Domed Promotional Product Supplier
To do a ahead soak, you turn off the power and un plug the machine, then you unlock and move the head over off the cap top. You'll need to un screw the cover around the cap top so that you can get access to the lines after it, then you need to clamp off the lines and fill the cap top with cleaning liquid then lock the head back on the cap top and leave it, you can check on it after 24 hours and add liquid if needed. After the 48 hours, run at least 1 powerful cleaning and a couple mediums, then do a test print to see if any nozzles come back, if you're still having issues a new head could be required.


New Member
To do a ahead soak, you turn off the power and un plug the machine, then you unlock and move the head over off the cap top. You'll need to un screw the cover around the cap top so that you can get access to the lines after it, then you need to clamp off the lines and fill the cap top with cleaning liquid then lock the head back on the cap top and leave it, you can check on it after 24 hours and add liquid if needed. After the 48 hours, run at least 1 powerful cleaning and a couple mediums, then do a test print to see if any nozzles come back, if you're still having issues a new head could be required.
I will test it immediately and send the information to you. Thank you very much for your help, I'm glad that you are there.
If I write to you what I'm going to do to indicate that I understand correctly, can you please correct me if I'm wrong?

At first I will disconnect the machine from electricity.
I'll play the head over the cap station.
I'm going to put an eco solvent cleaner in the cap station and put the head on the cap station. And I'll leave it like this and fill it up if the fluid is low after 24 hours.
after 48 hours, I will do a strong cleaning and take a print.

Did I understand everything correctly?

Thank you very much again for your help. Thanks to you, my hope has been fulfilled again.