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Edge Print has hairline mis-printed


New Member
Ok, not a great day here at the old shop - Now the edge just started getting a hairline just over 2 inches down from the top doesn't print - I've cleaned the head with the cleaner, I've cleaned the whole inside of edge - not sure where to go next - thanks for the input

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
If it's a continuous line on the x-axis, you might have a blown pixel on your print head. To isolate it for certain, assuming your visual inspection and cleaning was thorough, you would need to change foils, jobs and vinyl and do a short print. If still there and in only the one spot then either the head is bad or the circuitry that drives it.


New Member
thats what i was afraid of hearing fred - here's a pic of the culprit - thanks for the input


  • edge1.jpg
    26.1 KB · Views: 189

RJ California

New Member
I had both scenarios happen to me. Once I thought I had a blown pixel in the head but after a real strong scrub with a Gerber Edge cleaning wipe it cleared up.
The second time it happened it was a blown pixel and I spent $5,000 in Gerber repairs on my old out-of-warranty machine.

I hope it cleans up for you!


New Member
if it is a blown pixel, at least it's not right down the center, so you can still print 9-3/4" prints... sucks I know... but always lookin' at the bright side. (I hope you have a service contract.


New Member
Yep, been there done that. Ceramic heads are pretty rough on the pocketbook. Like others have said, clean first, test print...cry.