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Find my font help


New Member
Howdy, my need is two fold.

First I need help with the attached font.

Second, my computer died that had the commercial version of the find my font software, along with all my email documentation, died. If I must, the program is worth it to purchase it again, but if the find my font folks read this, I'd appreciate any help I can get. Not able to get to your website at the moment.



  • Tri City Logo.jpg
    Tri City Logo.jpg
    17 KB · Views: 55

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Looks to me to be Eurostile Bold or Black Extended with slant added. The cutouts in the "T" were done to the sale font after it was typed.

Here's a link to FindMyFont's profile here. I suggest you send him a private message.


New Member
Info sent


All the necessary info has been sent to help you download and re-activate the program.

Let me know if you need anything else.
