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First Time Ever

Air Art Girl

New Member
first time I have ever had to go out and mow my lawn in February. This winter in the PNW has been unreal. Loving this warm Feb. weather. Nearly 60 many times already this year

Air Art Girl

New Member
sorry about your snow but this is the nicest winter I can remember.

It was so nice not only did I mow the lawn, we washed the cars and rebuilt a retaining wall around a tree in the corner of the yard. Oh how I can't wait to hit the hot tub this evening.


New Member
This has been the Coldest winter I have ever experience down here in Florida.

Non the less, I did plant grass seed last Thursday.

Hope it sprouts out.


Active Member
No complaints here! Shop doors are wide open...Cold Beer...BBQ going...Dog laying in the driveway...Cars are washed. What more can you ask for on a February Sunday?


New Member
No complaints here! Shop doors are wide open...Cold Beer...BBQ going...Dog laying in the driveway...Cars are washed.

We can do all those things, but you have to wear a snowmobile suit doing them. I'm not sure I'm gonna try washing the car either! I BBQ all the time when it's snowing. The beer stays cold when you shove them in the snow banks! :beer The mug never loses its frost!!!

mark in tx

New Member
Almost 70 degrees here yesterday. Supposed to start snowing tonight, 4-7 inches expected by the weather liars.
Guess I'm not driving to Dallas tommorow!


New Member
I think today may be the first time in 3 weeks that I will see grass.
It's supposed to rain later.
There is still 2' of dirty nasty snow in my side yard.


New Member
We have not run our heater in 2 years here in Phx.

Last weekend I got my spring garden planted:
Poblano Peppers
Bell Peppers
Jalapeno Peppers
San Marzano Tomatoes
Cherry Tomatoes (Juliet)
Snow Peas
Yellow Squash


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New Member
Wow, aren't we the over-achiever?! I feel like a real slacker, now... our poor yard and garden has no idea what to do since it's been cold, warm, cold, warm and more frost to come... in Florida. I think I should be worried.


New Member
We have had a pretty cold winter. Yesterday, I wacked about 75 grape fruits that were left on one of our trees, they froze and are no good now. Gonna see how I can plant them and grow more trees on my new property. It was 72 yesterday, but dropped into the 50's today, and will be in the 30's tonight I am told.


New Member
Coldest winter I can remember. I have not seen my grass since Early december. We have had a total of 72" of snow since then.
Average high has been in the high 20's all winter. It has only gotten above 40 twice.

Warm weather up in the Pacific NW the mushrooms will be popping soon. You guys hunt morells?

Air Art Girl

New Member
I don't hunt for shrooms, (of any kind, lol) but plenty up here do hunt for both!!!

I used to live on 27 heavily wooded acres and one of the neighbors would ask to come over and hunt and always found tons of Morells.