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Font or hand lettering?


New Member
My client brought me a picture of their truck door and wants it reproduced and I can't tell if it's an actual font.


  • Leslie Farms001.jpg
    Leslie Farms001.jpg
    2 MB · Views: 197
  • Leslie Farms L.jpg
    Leslie Farms L.jpg
    515.3 KB · Views: 144


New Member
Yeah, that's the part that really has me puzzled. The L looks so familiar but I've run it through every font recognition I can find.


New Member
Brand Pro (Shade *Oblique) looks pretty close with some slight modification and the other "E" is similar to Yellowtail capital "E"


New Member
Those are close but not quite right. I'm just going to draw it. I'm looking so forward to 1000 tiny anchor points. lol
Thanks everyone!