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Need Help GoSign and Summa S2 160 - No registration marks if the cut area is over 63"....


New Member
Hi, I am fighting with this file that I have already printed with registration marks. I printed, loaded in plotter, and when I try to import into GoSign at the normal designed size it won't show the reg marks as "bullseyes" like it is supposed to...

I tried all kinds of things and narrowed it down to the fact that the program may have a print/cut with registration limitation of 63" wide or tall.. It let me create reg marks with the Illustrator plugin, but when sending to GoSign the reg marks show up as actual cuts if the size of the print/cut is over 63". I also tried importing in portrait instead of landscape, that didn't work either!

I tried to contact support and they are telling me my first point of contact is the dealer, who I already know is not going to be any help.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!


New Member
Hi! Yes they are on a different layer. The file is completely set up how it should be its just that when I go over 63" inches or so (landscape or portrait) the program doesn't create "bullseyes" as it should. Once I go over 65" its tries to actually cut the reg marks. Screenshots below.

The first two screenshots are Illustrator and GoSign. The cut size is 80 something inches... The second two screenshots are when I make the cut size under 65 inches. I really think it may just be a limitation of the software that needs to be changed on their end.. But not completely sure.





Problem Solver
What if you rotate the file before exporting from illustrator?

Or - I'm not sure if gosign can do it - export it as 50% size and then 200% it in gosign.


New Member
What if you rotate the file before exporting from illustrator?

Or - I'm not sure if gosign can do it - export it as 50% size and then 200% it in gosign.

I did try rotating the file before exporting from Illustrator, but I have not tried exporting smaller and enlarging when in GoSign. I will try that, but I was kind of trying to keep from having to do that since I already printed and I am not sure if it will be exact.. Either way I need to figure out the issue or find another program that works correctly, as I will be doing a lot of print/cut in the future.

I'll see what it does with the smaller exported size and let you know.


New Member
What if you rotate the file before exporting from illustrator?

Or - I'm not sure if gosign can do it - export it as 50% size and then 200% it in gosign.
I did try rotating the file before exporting from Illustrator, but I have not tried exporting smaller and enlarging when in GoSign. I will try that, but I was kind of trying to keep from having to do that since I already printed and I am not sure if it will be exact.. Either way I need to figure out the issue or find another program that works correctly, as I will be doing a lot of print/cut in the future.

I'll see what it does with the smaller exported size and let you know.

Okay, tried it. Same thing. It will import fine at 50% with reg "bullseyes"... then when I make it the size needed in GoSign, it turns the reg bullseyes into cut lines again.. What a headache lol.


Merchant Member
Your cutter only has a 62" wide working area. Your job is designed at about 65" wide and 88" wide in the previews you uploaded. Delete the registration marks off of the job in Illustrator and rotate the job, then put the marks back on. Your job size plus the marks can't be more than the working area of the cutter and you can't rotate the job after the marks are put on. You have to layout your job in Illustrator the way it is going to be printed/cut before putting on the marks.


New Member
Your cutter only has a 62" wide working area. Your job is designed at about 65" wide and 88" wide in the previews you uploaded. Delete the registration marks off of the job in Illustrator and rotate the job, then put the marks back on. Your job size plus the marks can't be more than the working area of the cutter and you can't rotate the job after the marks are put on. You have to layout your job in Illustrator the way it is going to be printed/cut before putting on the marks.

Ah, alright thanks! I will try that. However, I did select all of the layers (including the Regmark layer) and rotated everything at once and it still did not work. I will try generating the reg marks once I rotate the job and see what happens.


New Member
Your cutter only has a 62" wide working area. Your job is designed at about 65" wide and 88" wide in the previews you uploaded. Delete the registration marks off of the job in Illustrator and rotate the job, then put the marks back on. Your job size plus the marks can't be more than the working area of the cutter and you can't rotate the job after the marks are put on. You have to layout your job in Illustrator the way it is going to be printed/cut before putting on the marks.

That DID work! However, I cannot use the one I printed earlier obviously.. No worries at least now I know. I will also probably get another cut program that has more options in general.

Thanks for your help! Much appreciated!


Merchant Member
Not a problem. The issue you were running into is because the bottom of the image in Illustrator is where the plug in puts the leading edge of the registration marks, the black line circled in the attached photo. It doesn't matter if you rotate the entire image + registration marks later because that black line will still be in the same orientation and GoSign will always see that as the leading edge of the print.


  • Summa Reg Marks.png
    Summa Reg Marks.png
    12.5 KB · Views: 121


New Member
Not a problem. The issue you were running into is because the bottom of the image in Illustrator is where the plug in puts the leading edge of the registration marks, the black line circled in the attached photo. It doesn't matter if you rotate the entire image + registration marks later because that black line will still be in the same orientation and GoSign will always see that as the leading edge of the print.

Yeah I can see how that works now. Reprinting now ;)