The HP Latex 360 printer is a very different animal from a color management standpoint, compared with literally every other machine in this market segment. It is a Contone device, and as part of that, for the Latex 300 series, HP has created a media profile format that is universal for all RIPs, called an OMS file.
The Latex 360 can pull down these files directly from HP Servers through the device's front Control Panel > Media Library. Alternatively, you can go to the Media Solutions Locator and pull down the OMS from there, and send it over to the printer through the Embedded Web Server browser interface:
Finally, on the Latex 360, you are able to (relatively) easily create a custom media profile directly on the printer. This wizard-based procedure includes the complete media profile, including ink load, temperature settings, pass counts, color calibration, and ICC profile creation. The procedure can be completed in under one hour, start to finish, and is done completely on the printer (this approach does not involve the RIP). Once the media has been created and profiled on the Latex 360, the media name and ICC data is then automatically uploaded to the RIP. Assuming that the operator makes good decisions (the pass count & ink load decision being the more critical ones), this approach (on-board media profiling) should be expected to give more accurate print output when compared to downloaded profiles.