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Mutoh 1624 Black nozzle check good for one parameter but not the other


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Here is what I am getting, or not getting. I am using Jetbest inks, and I feel maybe the cartridge just needs to b changed out.


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    Noz check +.jpg
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I don't think it's the ink cartridge or the other channel would be lacking ink also.
I ran into something like this a few weeks back.
After running several cleaning cycles and printing a few blocks of black ink with no improvement.
I replaced the damper for that channel but that didn't work either.
Ended up removing the print head and soaking it with cleaning fluid and gently flushing that channel to correct the issue.


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So I had read in another post about. Changing out maintenance cap station. Well, I did. Perfect! Thanks.

I am back on printing out orders.

This forum ROCKS!!!

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So I had read in another post about. Changing out maintenance cap station. Well, I did. Perfect! Thanks.

I am back on printing out orders.

This forum ROCKS!!!

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Interested to know, did it fix the issue where the black seems to be over spraying on the yellow? At least it appears likely to be the black.



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Yeah I took notice of that also, but just printed beautiful posters & vinyl panels to wrap an ice cream cart later. It fixed it all. Considering I don't believe in maintenance contracts on any equipment we have I will just change it out once a year. For the price of a replacement, it's not asking for much.