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The worst wrap I've ever seen....


New Member
I mean, it might have looked good when Jimmy Carter was President, but now...


Customer wanted to know how much I would charge for removal. I told him he'd be better off driving it into the deepest hole he could find and buy a new van. It would be cheaper. :noway:


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New Member
That is awful it looks like it has been set on fire or been parked in the dessert under a magnifying glass.
I hope the customer realises the paintwork underneath is going to be trashed also.
I personally would send it to a paint shop and have it resprayed, even then I reckon they wouldn't touch it.



Arnt there machines that can just buff all that off. Normally I would say charge as much as you would charge to put it on but this thing looks a hot mess.


Premium Subscriber
Arnt there machines that can just buff all that off. Normally I would say charge as much as you would charge to put it on but this thing looks a hot mess.

Well, it's not really buffing. A flame thrower might work, but then again, it looks like someone already tried that method and failed terribly. :rolleyes:


New Member
how long has that been on the van? did this guy buy the van from a junk yard? can't believe anyone would let something like this go that far before doing something about it. can you remove it at this point or would they have to have the van stripped down to the metal and re-painted?


It looks like thats what the owner is trying to avoid. But right now it looks like the best option. I say tell him to strip it.
We are sign men not magicians.


Active Member
I'd be interested to know the history....why didn't he go back to the shop that originally did it? Was he one of these guys that says"just use the cheapest stuff you. An I'll be back with a new one in a year after we get going" same guy has a coro signon their storefront that's in chunks it's so old

d fleming

New Member
Couple hours (2)with the 3000 psi pressure washer and then remove glue. Either the paint makes it or it doesn't.
Well, it's not really buffing. A flame thrower might work, but then again, it looks like someone already tried that method and failed terribly. :rolleyes:

We once had a customer who didn't want to pay for removal on the bed of his truck (the vinyl wasn't this bad, but bad) so he said he would "remove it himself". After getting frustrated trying to peel the vinyl off, he literally tried to burn it all off with a torch (ruining what was left of his paint underneath). After that didn't work he just had us hit it with a sander and go right over top. Anything to save a buck, I guess..

d fleming

New Member
Had a plumber once who didn't like quote for removal. Brought van back after one of his guys went at it with a razor blade for a day or two and wanted me to fix that damage too. Told him it was an extra 600. When he agreed I sent that sucker to a spray and pray body shop and had it shot again with white after blasting the shiz out of it for 300. Took a couple days but looked great for an old plumbing truck. That guy still has no clue.


Premium Subscriber
Ya know, if you'd close all the windows and tape them shut for air tightness and then fill a swimming pool with acid, you could drive in the diving well, let it sit in there for a day or two, take it back out, let it dry and then just open the windows and spray paint the whole thing again. I'll, bet that would work. I'd even bet ya, some people here have painted customer vehicles with rattle cans before lettering.

Show of hands........................ :awesome:


New Member

I've seen bad jobs before, but dude are you kidding? Trashing vehicle would be the least expensive way to go.

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Premium Subscriber
always afraid to click on a thread like this in fear one of my jobs will be in there...haha

Not too sure about that...........................:rolleyes: Look closely at some of the detail..................................... :omg:


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New Member
Not too sure about that...........................:rolleyes: Look closely at some of the detail..................................... :omg:

you're real quick with the crayons Gino!
still upset from me beating you at pool...haha