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Need Help Versa Works Layout screen


New Member
I have been using Versa Works for several years with no problems but all of a sudden the images don't show up in the Layout screen. All I get is a blank box with the queue number in the corner. If I click on the box it takes me to the correct design so I'm thinking it must be a memory issue. Nothing has changed on the computer - no new hardware or programs have been added. Also, Versa Works is taking a huge time to load.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
Clear out your queues. You've probably got too much loaded in there. I recommend my customers remove jobs from the queues once the customer pays for the job.


New Member
Clear out your queues. You've probably got too much loaded in there. I recommend my customers remove jobs from the queues once the customer pays for the job.
Thanks Joe. I've tried that but still no improvement except that it doesn't take long to load now. Any other ideas?


New Member


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I've had this happen. I usually dump the job and pull it back in - after clearing out the queue of anything that's gone out the door. I think it's a memory glitch like Joe said. If memory serves me correctly - I've had this happen and printed it anyway - and it was fine. Similar to how you can't trust the image quality in the VW display - it looks like junk but prints beautifully.

Andy D

Active Member
Personally, I don't find that job list helpful at all, I usually have it to where it doesn't show up.

Off topic question; is she able to print CDR files because she has a newer version of Versaworks?
CDR files don't even show up in my Versaworks window when adding jobs.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
The next step would be to initialize the software then. Make a note of your IP address before you do this as it's a pain to find it other ways on that printer. Once you have the IP address of your printer, then go to the start menu, look for the Roland VersaWorks folder, then click on Initialize Application. This essentially resets everything back to a like new installation of the software at whatever current version you have installed. This will also clear out any remaining jobs in your queues, and reset other preferences and remove any printers installed in VW. It will not change or remove any profiles that you've downloaded.

Good Luck

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
is she able to print CDR files because she has a newer version of Versaworks?

Andy, to my knowledge Versaworks has never suppported CDR files. My understanding (I'm not a Corel guy so I may be wrong) is that the CDR format is highly proprietary and only works well with Corel. I do see that Flexi has a CDR 8 import filter, so I may be wrong.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Interesting - I don't have Corel, I have Adobe products. I cannot pull an ai file into VW Dual or v5.5.1. I do see that there is a .ps after the.cdr in the file name.... could be saved as a cdr post script file. It's been years (over 10) since I've used Corel

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
I see where the question comes from - the center panel shows that it's a postscript file. I wonder if you tried importing a PDF file if the preview would work.