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What is this thing


My old sign master left me a ton of equipment some old and worthless and some very valuable. Others I’m not so sure, I was rummaging through it and found these things in a box together. Was wondering if any OGs could enlighten me as to what they were.


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Active Member
Serious? The only thing I can't figure out is the stuff in the cigar box. Other wise there's a circle compass/cutter, gold leaf (or maybe Dutch Gold), tshirt dryer


Active Member
The things in the cigar box look like letters for a letterpress machine, or similar.

What does the top of the box of "gold" leaf say? What karat?

Johnny Best

Active Member
That gold may be imitation gold leaf by look of the size of the leaf, check to see if it measures 5.5"x5.5".
tshrt dryer as stated and would have to open up whats in the box to see.


New Member
The photos are changing...make up your mind will ya..you had a circle cutter there earlier..The gold leaf sheet
are for embossing any gold leaf work you do on honor boards or signs etc after size has been applied.
The other two units are belt dryers.
The rubber stamps are for newbys who cant use a brush.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
The cigar box contains cold type banded together. Without knowing which characters are banded together it's hard to say for what the type is intended.