I got in lamex lam and Fellers solvex perf today, printed it this morning and laminated and applied later this evening.
For some reason it's giving me air in areas of the laminate while applying to the back window of my vehicle. Conforming isn't a problem, it's the darn bubbles randomly. I'll pull up and apply then i'll see other areas where this happens.
Bubbles are of course in the pef holes and it looks GREAT before applying...
I tried using a regular plastic squeegee and a felt one with same results no matter how much pressure.
For some reason it's giving me air in areas of the laminate while applying to the back window of my vehicle. Conforming isn't a problem, it's the darn bubbles randomly. I'll pull up and apply then i'll see other areas where this happens.
Bubbles are of course in the pef holes and it looks GREAT before applying...
I tried using a regular plastic squeegee and a felt one with same results no matter how much pressure.