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  • Hello I am hoping you may be able to assist me. I purchased a 60 inch plotter from an auction. No markings. Goggle lens says it is made by STM Robotics. I am looking for the printer cable to this devise. The port is a male 4 prong in a box design. Do you know anything about a plotter like this, or could you refer me to someone. I have pictures of the plotter and the port, if that would help.
    Hello I am hoping you may be able to assist me. I purchased a 60 inch plotter from an auction. No markings. Goggle lens says it is made by STM Robotics. I am looking for the printer cable to this devise. The port is a male 4 prong in a box design. Do you know anything about a plotter like this, or could you refer me to someone. I have pictures of the plotter and the port, if that would help.
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