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65% and then it quit


New Member
I was printing an 18' banner via Production Manager when at the 65% complete point the job just hung there for about three minutes and then just declared itself done. All I could do was reboot and get mad.

I'm running Flexi 8 attached to a PrismJet 62 through an HP workstation with an AMD 63 Athlon w/ 2 GB RAM. Any thoughts on why it may have happened and what to do to prevent from happening again? The job is restarted and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks.


New Member
How much hard drive space do you have available on your main partition.
I had the same problem due to my main partition being too small for all the stuff I had on it.
Little partition magic fixed that and I havent had a problem since.
Hope this helps.


New Member
Welcome to the club! Flexi-8 is notorious for random crashing at the worst times. I have found that the recent update has affected this program negatively and would not suggest it. Anytime I print large jobs, I use VersaWorks with absolutely no problem.
Flexi has some serious issues to attend to IMO


New Member
Every software has its bumps, versaworks has some color issues for me that I havent quite figured out. Flexi profiles seem to print closer to Pantone selections but I dont know if that is just my setup or if others are seeing the same thing.
One Design Package/RIP that seems very seldom spoken of is SignLab and Digital Factory (their stand-alone RIP). Some things that we can say for certain, colors are on the money and never a crash. The list can go on and on, but the point is if any Flexi user watches for Cadlink's competitive upgrades (50% off and never give up your old software), one can get into their software for a very good price and get a very good package.


New Member
That use to happen to me when I use to print on a Roland CamJet CJ500 using FlexiPro. Then I switched to using Roland's Colour Choice, and never had that happen again. So maybe if you used whatever software came with your printer instead of Flexi It may stop doing them misprints.


New Member
I've had that happen before. It happened like every 3-4 jobs. Turned out to be a fried mainboard on the printer. I lost 2 of those suckers.......

Mike Paul

Premium Subscriber
Did you fully rip the file before sending it to the printer or are you ripping & printing simultaneously?