I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions concerning the electrical problems we are having with our Accu-bend model 410. It's currently doing random tasks while the coil is being fed and had called an electrician to fix the problem but was told we need the wiring diagram to troubleshoot the problem (we have the electric layout chart).
I'm not sure how to proceed if we don't have the electric wiring diagram. Majority of the CNC repair technicians in my area have no idea what an Accu-bend is and haven't been very helpful in fixing the problem.
Thank you for your time and I'm open to any available suggestions.
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions concerning the electrical problems we are having with our Accu-bend model 410. It's currently doing random tasks while the coil is being fed and had called an electrician to fix the problem but was told we need the wiring diagram to troubleshoot the problem (we have the electric layout chart).
I'm not sure how to proceed if we don't have the electric wiring diagram. Majority of the CNC repair technicians in my area have no idea what an Accu-bend is and haven't been very helpful in fixing the problem.
Thank you for your time and I'm open to any available suggestions.