Add a plotter to Caldera
Cutters for VisualCut are easy to install with the Software, but a little bit harder manually.
Here is a short tutorial that I hope will help you. Note that this is the same process between V9 and V10.
1) Go to the
Settings Tab :
2) Into
Applications Bar, click on "
3) Then
select "Cutter" as type of the new application, and the
name used for the cutter.
Pay attention that
spaces are invalid characters here.
Then, in "
Cutter" area, click on "Configure" :
4) The new cutter may not be in the list, so click on "
New" :
5) Enter the
name of the new cutter. Here, space character can be used.
Select the model using scrolling list of all supported cutters by Caldera.
Then enter the
path of the queue that'll be used by Caldera to save the cutter files.
Note that you can reach a mounted folder in case of cutter controlled by another computer.
Click Ok.
6) Click Ok again, and make sure to restart the Config module (Clinking "Restart").
7) Now you should have a Cutter Icon in your toolbar :
Actually, this process is longer than simply "link a cutter driver to an icon" because for one cutter you can select different drivers. Example : Summa can be ran with Summa S2 AND Summa S2 Postnet.
Best regards,