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Can't find Coolant for Rastek H650 (Canada)


New Member

we have been calling local companies, even the company that sold us our Rastek H650 if anyone could provide us with coolant for our printer.

We have recently drained our coolant when we replaced our print heads and coolant pump. Anyone have any information vendors about purchasing coolant in Canada? Perhaps British Columbia? Or even a different approach to a solution?
*EDIT* Does not have to be Canada. If anyone knows a USA Contact, that is fine also!

I uploaded a photo of the coolant bottle, and the EFI P/N is 45084213.

Thank you in advance for any insight.


  • Rastek H650 Coolant.jpg
    Rastek H650 Coolant.jpg
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New Member
You can buy it directly from efi. Additionally, if you drain this, you can put it back in (provided you’re keeping it clean.