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Centering the Heads and Caps Roland SP-540V


New Member
I'm having trouble centering the print heads and cap tops of my Roland SP-540V. How can I tell the caps are centered? It took me so many times to get the heads centered but now I think my caps aren't centered because the bottom portion of one of the heads is not being cleaned.

I see how to adjust the height of the caps in the service notes but is there any instructions about how the caps can be centered underneath the heads? Do I have to have all the heads and caps aligned before I tighten all the print head screws?


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Hey graphicsphere,

The "limit position initialize and cut down" adjustment can help with this, but we consider that a dealer service level calibration. So, we're just mentioning it to you (as a courtesy), but if you have any difficulties, please call your authorized Roland dealer for continued repair assistance.

If you have additional questions or need extra support directly from Roland corporate support, please submit an "official" support request form online here: Product Support Form | Roland

If you do write us, we look forward to helping you and take care,

Roland Technical Support
Roland DGA Corp.


New Member
When was the last time you changed your caps?

If you get a small mirror, you can look at the bottom of your heads when the heads are on the far left like when you are doing a manual cleaning,
When you look at the underside of the heads with a mirror, you will see an ink line that the caps leave. From this you will be able to tell if the caps are completely covering the heads. You can also clean everything well, then rub ink on the top of the cap, then re-seat the head. Then look at the underside with the mirror to see where the fresh ink cap outlines are.

From what I can see in your photos, the caps need replacing. You are missing the odd bar and have deflections. This starts happening when the caps get old and don't seal properly, so the pump doesn't pull very well.

There is a small amount of play in the whole cap assembly. You loosen the screws at the very bottom of the printer that hold the cap assembly in place. I would not do this right away though. (see above advice)
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