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Chrome and Gold Leaf Vinyls

Clear Choice

New Member
Despite my warnings about the limited life of royal blue
chrome and gold leaf vinyls, my customer wants to try
it on his truck.

I don't really want to buy 10 foot rolls of these specialty
vinyls. Can anyone provide this logo ready to apply?

OR, does anyone have one or both of these vinyls laying around...
or can point me toward a source that will sell them by
the foot or yard.

It measures just over 5" tall by 18.5" wide.



  • RC-II_Logo.jpg
    16 KB · Views: 122


New Member
what is "Royal Blue Chrome"? I havent seen a blue chrome before...not that that makes any difference. If it is a chrome metalized polyester, they generally don't conform to irregular surfaces well and they don't last outdoors very well. You'd be better off to use a Royal Blue High Performance vinyl and Sign Gold for the gold leaf.