Ok, so i had some problems w my CK printhead. Also some minor errors on the MY nozzle test print. Wasnt all that worried over the MY so i got down and removed my CK head, pushed some ink etc etc... and now my MY nozzle print is perfect. How?? No cleaning has been done to the MY and my CK is still not good.
Im seriously consider to remove my MY head so my CK will be good again
This has happend twice now... happend to anyone else? Im getting really confused right now.
sorry for typo, grammar and so on... and yeah, its a SP300.
And no, i didnt remove the MY head.. i may be hoity-toity (funny word!) but not that hoity-toity..
Im seriously consider to remove my MY head so my CK will be good again
This has happend twice now... happend to anyone else? Im getting really confused right now.
sorry for typo, grammar and so on... and yeah, its a SP300.
And no, i didnt remove the MY head.. i may be hoity-toity (funny word!) but not that hoity-toity..