Hey Morph,
It's been a while since I've used this option so not exactly sure if this will have what you want but you could try #TEST => PARAMETER DRAW. This prints out a whole bunch of information about the machine; Firmware Version, Head Calibration Values, square footage printed and I believe, shots fired from each head.
That said, knowing the number of shots fired from a given head may not actually prove that useful. Head life is dependent on a number of factors; Quality of ink that was used, how often the heads scuffed or struck the surface of the media, how well the machine was maintained (manual cleaning of the heads, Nozzle Washes, etc.)
The method I normally use to evaluate the current quality of the Heads is to use the #TEST => CHK PATTERN => 6.25% print. Run one of these for each of the heads (you can select which color to test). Heads in perfect condition will print a band with a very uniform tone, whereas heads with nozzles that are not firing straight will produce a stripe that has more dark and light lines in it. Generally speaking, the more liney the pattern, the closer that particular head is to needing replacement. Cleaning that particular head may help but the heads to physically wear out over time.
Hope this helps!