I was thrilled to learn that the new CorelX6 has finally come around to
having Open Type features available. I couldn’t wait to try it out. First
thing I did was give my font, A&S Cardiak, a try. What a disappointment
when the program crashed right away. I tried other Open Type fonts
with similar features and no problem. So obviously my font was the
problem, though it works fine in other programs, Illustrator and
Photoshop. After much trial and error I located the problem, but not
a fix. Long story short, help from some friends with much more
knowledge about otf code, I got it fixed. Thanks Charles Borges
& Stephen Rapp. Also thanks to Replicator, who suggest that
Charles was the best place to start for help.
Anyone who may have purchased A&S Cardiak in the otf version,
please send your invoice # or copy of your paypal transaction to
steve@artandsignstudio for the new Cardiak file that will work
great in CorelX6.
having Open Type features available. I couldn’t wait to try it out. First
thing I did was give my font, A&S Cardiak, a try. What a disappointment
when the program crashed right away. I tried other Open Type fonts
with similar features and no problem. So obviously my font was the
problem, though it works fine in other programs, Illustrator and
Photoshop. After much trial and error I located the problem, but not
a fix. Long story short, help from some friends with much more
knowledge about otf code, I got it fixed. Thanks Charles Borges
& Stephen Rapp. Also thanks to Replicator, who suggest that
Charles was the best place to start for help.
Anyone who may have purchased A&S Cardiak in the otf version,
please send your invoice # or copy of your paypal transaction to
steve@artandsignstudio for the new Cardiak file that will work
great in CorelX6.