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Custom color pallette with Flexi?


New Member
Okay, first off I'm using Flexisign Pro 8.0V2

Secondly, I'm trying to create a custom pallette. I use 2 pallette's now, the default one and the Pantone coated to uncoated. I want a third one for doing my motorcycle graphics (so I can have my custom colors always on hand). It only is going to be about 6 colors, so pretty small. But... I'm not too smart when it comes to Flexi. How do you do it?

I know how to open a new pallette, and how to add colors from the other pallettes (click and drag from another pallette). But these colors I have aren't in any other pallette, they're ones I came up with myself. SO......... anyone know how I can do this? I know it's probably simple, but I can't seem to figure it out and my instruction book just confuses me.

If you could help me out, I'd be stoked.:thankyou:

PS, I mis-spelled pallette, huh?

Mike Paul

Premium Subscriber
Make a new file with your six colors.
Go to View> Color> New Table. Then - View> Color > Merge from Document.
Then save the table.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
Ok, by the numbers [this is using Flexi 7.6V2 but it's no doubt the same in 8]...

View->Color->New Table, a new table should appear. You can drag it out if its docked position for clarity. Or not.

View->Color->Color Specs...

On the Color Specs dialog select just the new swatch table you just created. Use the drop down box on the upper left of the dialog.

Now have fun creating whatever colors get you off and adding them to this table with the New button.

When you're done right click on your fine new table and select Save As..

And there you are...


New Member
Hey, thanks guys. Looks like I'm all setup now with my fancy-dancy new color table.

Muchos Gracias.:thankyou: :thankyou: :thankyou: