I just picked up a used Roland CX-24 and was able to unpack it, plug it in and start cutting!! It seems to be quiter than the Roland SX-15 but was just as easy to unpack and run! I seen cheaper cutters, but this list really helped steer me clear of them and I am really glad I listened!
And keep in mind Cheaper isnt always better.
The CX-24 is big compared to a desk top cutter, but as far as any regrets. I have none. Now I have to decide if I really need to keep both my SX-15's!!
So far theres nothing I run /cut that I really cant use the SX-15's for but I couldnt pass up the good price I got!!
This group is great and they will give honest information, they have nothing to gain or loose buy which machine you buy so take your time and absorb all the info!!!

Have a great day,