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Daily Maintenance JV33


New Member
Hi everyone. I bought a JV33-130 a few months back. Every night, we manually clean the wiper blade, around the capping station and any dried ink around the print head with foam swabs and cleaning fluid.

I only do a soft or normal cleaning if I see a problem with my nozzle checks (which we do every morning), but I usually only need to do that on Monday mornings, a few lines of magenta will be missing.

Do other people do soft or normal cleanings daily as some sort of precaution? I do the pump tube wash every Friday, but that, and manually swabbing the above mentioned items, are all the installer recommended. I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks!


I sure dont do all that every day.... We run ours a lot and I only do a manual swab cleanup around the head and capping station about once a week.


New Member
I manually clean mine every week, and inspect the print head for lint/etc.. I will usually do a head soak every two weeks or so Depending on a test print every few days. I think the real question here is how frequently do you have your cleaning intervals set? This machine is fairly capable of keeping itself running if you keep an eye on it and dont cheap out on how often. It cleans itself and you replace the wiper when it needs it.


New Member
I don't know how often I have the cleaning intervals set, I've just left those settings as set by the installer. What do you have them set at?


New Member
I cant remember if i set mine to 8 hours or 12. Mine shipped set on 24. I think I set mine at 8 hours.... i figured a little preventative maintenance is a lot better than a head replacement later. I could be wrong though, you might ask Artbot, he's the resident mimaki genius :)