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Need Help Direct / specific distance move of an object, Text, Etc.

Ed Phillips

New Member
Am I just really dense headed or is there really no way to pick an object and enter a direct / specific distance move of of the object

IE: I need the corner of a rectangle to be placed exactly 1.875 X and 3.125 Y from the 0.00 x 0.00 corner of my art board.

I have AI, Flexi, PS, etc about any graphics program available, just not well versed in any of them.

I use and am well versed in Autocad for my real CAD but often need to place text or an icon image exactly below the center of a cutout on an instrument panel,etc. I can import the DXF into Flexi or the like
but then feel I can only get close when placing the Graphics needed on the layout.

Any pointers are welcome

Thank you


New Member
In illustrator, the easiest way to move a specified distance is to ctrl+shift+M (Object > Transform > Move).

If you're trying to align to another object without moving the cutout, this is called aligning to a key object.

Align or distribute relative to a key object​

  1. Select the objects to align or distribute.
  2. Click again on the object you want to use as a key object (you don’t need to hold down Shift as you click this time).

    A blue outline appears around the key object, and Align To Key Object
    is automatically selected in the Control panel and Align panel.
  3. In the Align panel or Control panel, click the button for the type of alignment or distribution you want.


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