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Epson S80600 "Resetting Printer"


Active Member
Recently we have had an issue come up with our SureColor S80600 which is around 16 months old now, We send a job from Onyx Thrive, the job starts to print as normal but randomly stops mid way through, after a few minutes Onyx will show the job as being completed and move it to the archive, and the printer will display a message "Resetting Printer, please wait" for a minute or so, then it will be fine to print again.

We can drag the same job back into the queue without re-ripping and it will print perfectly fine so I don't think it's the file itself. it has happened twice in the last week now, nothing has changed as far as we know with the network or hardware.

Any one have any ideas?


I'm here for Educational Purposes
I'm afraid I don't have any thing to offer. I am watching this thread though, as we recently got an S80600 - going on 3 weeks now. We haven't had this happen (yet) but I'm interested in any feedback about this machine.


New Member
Recently we have had an issue come up with our SureColor S80600 which is around 16 months old now, We send a job from Onyx Thrive, the job starts to print as normal but randomly stops mid way through, after a few minutes Onyx will show the job as being completed and move it to the archive, and the printer will display a message "Resetting Printer, please wait" for a minute or so, then it will be fine to print again.

We can drag the same job back into the queue without re-ripping and it will print perfectly fine so I don't think it's the file itself. it has happened twice in the last week now, nothing has changed as far as we know with the network or hardware.

Any one have any ideas?
Same thing happens to us on to 60600. Not quite as often as you explain it to be. I just assume its something with out network but Obvi others are having the same issue


Active Member
Same thing happens to us on to 60600. Not quite as often as you explain it to be. I just assume its something with out network but Obvi others are having the same issue

So far it's only happened 2 or 3 times, but I would still like to find out why before it does it 20 feet into a 25 foot banner.


New Member

We recently got a s40600. We experienced exact same as you mention. I came to the conclusion it was losing network connectivity to the rip as I know our Xerox would stop printing if it lost connection to its rip.

I went into our rip and disabled all screensavers, sleep modes and energy saving modes. Never had the problem again.
Might explain why you sometimes get the job finished as you may have been keeping the rip active the second time while monitoring it.


New Member

We recently got a s40600. We experienced exact same as you mention. I came to the conclusion it was losing network connectivity to the rip as I know our Xerox would stop printing if it lost connection to its rip.

I went into our rip and disabled all screensavers, sleep modes and energy saving modes. Never had the problem again.
Might explain why you sometimes get the job finished as you may have been keeping the rip active the second time while monitoring it.
On our machine it seems to happen within a minute or two of hitting print and very periodically. Ill disable energy savers and screen savers just to give it a try


Active Member
just to update this, i disabled all sleep and power saving on the rip computer and it happened again this morning at the start of a 60 foot run, about 18" in the printer just stopped.


Super Active Member
What firmware version are you on?
Our tech told us not to update ours when it was installed as he knew of issues in some of the newer firmware revisions.
We've never experienced this issue, so maybe its a symptom of that? Really only taking wild stabs though.


New Member
Is everyone using the same rip program that this is happening on? Looked at a shop today that had some machine and he was having the same issue.


Super Active Member
Onyx 12.2 PosterShop here. Thrive uses a different rendering engine (Adobe) but should still send the data to the printer using the same method.


Active Member
I'm running onyx thrive 12.2

As for firmware, it has never been updated since the printer was installed 15 or so months ago, .According to the Epson dashboard it is running the most recent firmware.

Out of curiosity is anyone who is experiencing this issue connected to the printer over USB? We are connected by cat6 network cable, wondering if it is the network card on the printer or some other network issue. If someone has the same issue but connected over USB that would eliminate that.


All around shop helper.
At least 3 things to check / do...

1) Onyx has a "Works" folder. Maybe purge much, or all, of the files from there.

2) Be sure the RIP machine has enough free space for Onyx to page to disk.

3) Reset any network switch by turning it off for a couple of seconds and then on again.

Files in a confused works folder will usually cause a RIP process crash as it's symptom however. A full disk will sometimes exhibit symptoms as described. A network switch full of collisions is VERY OFTEN the culprit of symptoms described. My experience during the Y2K era in a very busy environment was that I had to reset a switch about 2 times a year. Another a few years later using an e-bay mystery switch was to reset the thing every month. Latest experience is to reset a switch about 3 times a year. Although all networks behind firewalls, all access the outside to some degree on another.


New Member
As I mentioned ours didn't occur again after disabling all sleep/screensavers and energy savings on our rip but we're ethernet and RIP Center (RIP Queue) V18 with its own 4port switch.

I'd also be a BIG advocate of not updating any rip software unless essential. If it ain't broke....


New Member
Recently we have had an issue come up with our SureColor S80600 which is around 16 months old now, We send a job from Onyx Thrive, the job starts to print as normal but randomly stops mid way through, after a few minutes Onyx will show the job as being completed and move it to the archive, and the printer will display a message "Resetting Printer, please wait" for a minute or so, then it will be fine to print again.

We can drag the same job back into the queue without re-ripping and it will print perfectly fine so I don't think it's the file itself. it has happened twice in the last week now, nothing has changed as far as we know with the network or hardware.

Any one have any ideas?

have you solved this problem?


New Member
I'm running onyx thrive 12.2

As for firmware, it has never been updated since the printer was installed 15 or so months ago, .According to the Epson dashboard it is running the most recent firmware.

Out of curiosity is anyone who is experiencing this issue connected to the printer over USB? We are connected by cat6 network cable, wondering if it is the network card on the printer or some other network issue. If someone has the same issue but connected over USB that would eliminate that.

have you solved this problem?


New Member
We've had that issue a couple of times since we got our 60600.
That's about a year so not a massive problem.