Hi Everyone,
Ive been having some problems lately with my Mimaki JV3-160S, I've been getting an Error 20 I/F Board 01 and it beeps. I reboot it, and it comes back. Sometimes it does this while printing, other times when it is just sitting idle. I've had 3 or 4 of these just in one day, and I have had other sporadically throughout the week. Does this mean the firewire board needs to be replaced or could this be a cord going bad.... or something else??
Ive been having some problems lately with my Mimaki JV3-160S, I've been getting an Error 20 I/F Board 01 and it beeps. I reboot it, and it comes back. Sometimes it does this while printing, other times when it is just sitting idle. I've had 3 or 4 of these just in one day, and I have had other sporadically throughout the week. Does this mean the firewire board needs to be replaced or could this be a cord going bad.... or something else??