After you have a print and you see banding, graininess basically a problem in the print etc and need to go back to figure out what the problem is or do basic profiling and calibrating your printer again. What do you do?
Print a new file as a test print? How big do you make the prints to make sure your resolving the issue?
Print the panel over that you see but scale it down to not print full waste of material?
Trying to calibrate my roland but not sure if I open up a file thats 12"x12" will it tell me my problem and if I fix it on that print will it fix it on full scale stuff or do I print full scale art and just tile it down in the rip?
What techniques do you guys use for test prints / calibrating printers?
Print a new file as a test print? How big do you make the prints to make sure your resolving the issue?
Print the panel over that you see but scale it down to not print full waste of material?
Trying to calibrate my roland but not sure if I open up a file thats 12"x12" will it tell me my problem and if I fix it on that print will it fix it on full scale stuff or do I print full scale art and just tile it down in the rip?
What techniques do you guys use for test prints / calibrating printers?