What printer are you using and does it do it on the printer's internal test? I have seen a 64" Mutoh Valuejet do this and it was caused by a failed ram chip on the mother board. We replaced the ram and the problem went away. See attached pictures
What printer are you using and does it do it on the printer's internal test? I have seen a 64" Mutoh Valuejet do this and it was caused by a failed ram chip on the mother board. We replaced the ram and the problem went away. See attached pictures
What printer are you using and does it do it on the printer's internal test? I have seen a 64" Mutoh Valuejet do this and it was caused by a failed ram chip on the mother board. We replaced the ram and the problem went away. See attached pictures
We only print in SO Diffusion at this point. I would call SAi's tech support and let them know about it. Sounds like there is a bug in the driver.