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Font Help..Close Matches but no Exacts


New Member
I've run across a couple of very close matches using Font Detective but no exacts on either font in this logo. I think the script is calen, rage or fern that has been kerned and clipped because of the tag on the "e" but the apostrphe doesn't match any of them so I have my doubts. I don't think the client will be that picky but if I can find an exact, I'd use it. Thanks in advance for your help....Fred. You haven't missed yet:thumb:


  • abearsmall.bmp
    233.3 KB · Views: 187

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Child's play my boy.



  • abears.jpg
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New Member
I am not familiar with Berling, but I know that Rage Italic is a Corel font...so if you have CorelDraw...you can probably install this font (will need to run Bitstream Font Navigator). If you have version 11 or 12, the fonts are actually on disc 3 even though it says "Fonts" on disc 1.

Then again...maybe you already have it installed, eh?

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Actually Rage is a Letraset font. Corel licenses it. Letraset is owned by ITC. This is what ITC has to say about Rage:

American graphic designer Ron Zwingelberg created Rage in 1984. This popular style is one of the first casual brush script styles with a rough textured edge. The lower case letters can be linked up and are supported by a set of initialing capitals. These capitals are designed to be used as the first letter of a word. Rage Italic is an ideal choice where a spontaneous pen on parchment look is required.
Berling is a nice but not overly popular design offered by several foundries including URW, Linotype, Adobe, Agfa, Elsner+Flake and others. I've always found the main problem with it is that it only has two weights, Regular and Bold plus italics.

This is what Adobe has to say about it:

Typeface notes:

Berling was created by Karl-Erik Forsberg for the Berling foundry in 1951, with other weights added in 1958. The design is an old style roman, particularly useful for books, journals, and other text applications. Although it has higher contrast than most old style typefaces, Berling has the classic features of old style romans with its diminutive x-height, and ascenders that exceed the height of the capital letters. Berling is good for text settings as well as display work.


  • Karl-Erik Forsberg
Berling is a trademark of Verbum AB Stockholm.


New Member
Datcat, that logo could use some help. That bear sitting on top kills legibility big time and looks like it's just been plunked there for no thought-out reason. I know the customer probably supplied you with this, but it's a classic opportunity to suggest something better to them.

I'd also loose those eyebrows on the bear - he's mean lookin'.

The b & e should also be connected properly.


  • Abears.jpg
    80.5 KB · Views: 141


New Member
Oh what we don't do for the clients.......Happens to be a friend of mine's wife's shop. Too many personal ties to the original to suggest changes. His daughter did the bear as a Sr. art project. The shop's sign/logo was done by a popular chain sign franchise that rhymes with "last times". I did ask if it the direction they gave them was how it turned out and they said they only wanted something that incorporated the bear. This is going to be an auto mag project. I thought it was pretty shoddy looking and wanted to try something differnt but they want it to match the shop sign. The way they kerned and broke the text is pitiful. It appears that the tail on the "e" was an attempt to cut and node edit the text after it was turned into an object. BTW, they want the tail added to the "e" like it is in the original even after I showed them the way the text is supposed to look.

Thanks for the input and font help!


New Member
I thought I smelled a franchise! Yes I've had similar situations, and amazes me how people will want to stick with something that's poorly done (not subjective stuff.....I mean poor), just for the sake of "making it the same" as before.

I don't know how far along you are with this job but feel free to take my rough and show them. Just tell 'em you came up with something that you thought would work a little better, but still utilizing all of their original elememts.

Please don't make another ugly sign.........please.....I'm begging you......



New Member
Oh yeah, noticing that you're Canadian, you might get the play on the name of the shop.....Hebert....Abear. We live on the border of Louisiana where it's pronounced Abear but 50 miles east it's He-burt.:Canada 2: