Marble & Quartz
Typo Grotesk Black (Regular) / (Freemium)&ffam=Typo Grotesk Black - Regular&fstyle=&fsize=60&fid=f4af1b2296a37acdbc075eabbdc17ff5&wrap=2&text=Marble & Quarts
OCopperplate Heavy (Regular) / (Freemium)&ffam=OCopperplate Heavy - Regular&fstyle=&fsize=60&fid=0317dc3a475884b150b65068855eb311&wrap=2&text=GL
Don't worry about a "Thanks" or anything dude.
You are welcome Shift Designs.I left after asking yesterday
Just got back in front of my computer again. Of course I appreciate the help..
You are welcome Shift Designs.
Sorry for the snarky post, but I can't tell you how many times I have taken time out of my busy
day to help out a fellow sign person, and they don't say thanks, let you know if your solution worked, ect...