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Font ID?


New Member
I won't say this is the first time I have been stumped in oh so many years but I am going to bet this font is from Adobe Portfolio. It looks like a top line font from Adobe, ITC, Agfa, Lino - not a free knockoff.

Anyone care to identify? Thanks for help in advance.

I traced it, recreated it in VMP and delivered it. But I sure would like to know font name if I ever have to deliver more stuff to customer.



  • 3.bmp
    668 KB · Views: 290

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
It's Leawood medium but expanded about 15%.


  • 3158.jpg
    69.6 KB · Views: 187


New Member

All hail Fred! Man you know your type!

The egg is on my face. I thought I had run VMP Font Detective properly.
I loaded up the bitmap of the "3" a second time and let it run and it found the font you told me to look for - LEAWOOD - and um...it is distorted...WOW...you are the man!

I just had to make sure all the VMP fonts were accessible on the hard drive. Now I am assuming one thing, that Leawood came with VMP because I cannot find it by name in the font folders. But FD returned Leawood as the correct font. It asked me if I wanted to USE IT or INSTALL IT and with a click of a button, it was done!

Thanks Fred. I am now a dedicated convert to font finding software. All I needed was a good scan / sample in .bmp format. Your help in educating us invaluable! And this is a nice face that I can put to good use for other customers, too.


Fred Weiss

Merchant Member

I live for your praise.

FYI, I didn't get a find in FontExpert until I ran a transform in Photoshop condensing it to 90% of the width of your sample.