New Member
Hey all. I'm at the point of ripping my hair out figuring out what's wrong with this Gerber Sabre 408 CNC. Below is everything I've done so far.
Issue: On startup, the error "Y Encoder/Motor" appears on the panel.
Attempt #1:
- Cleaned and oiled gantry rails
- Checked lead screw - it moves well manually
- Checked X and Y cable connections, pins, sockets - everything looks good
- Checked front and rear limit switches. They looked ok.
- Swapped front/rear limit cable with right/limit cable
- Error switched to "X encoder/motor"
- Purchased new front/rear limit cable
- Installed new cable
- Y encoder/motor error continues
Attempt #2:
- Check X/Z limit switches, replace with new switches just in case - Y encoder/Motor error
- Swapped X Encoder, Motor and limit cable connections with the Y - error switches over to the X
- Disconnected Y servo motor and plugged in directly to electrical box - Y encoder/Motor error
- Removed and swapped servo boards for the X and Y on the side of the electrical box - Y encoder/Motor error
- Based on the manual troubleshooting steps it appeared we needed a new Y motor so we ordered it
- Received and connected new Y motor directly to electrical box - panel finally loads to "A: Orient"
- Installed motor directly underneath lead screw and connected to longer encoder/motor cables
- Begin orientation, within 2 seconds of it moving - Y encoder/Motor error
- Swapped X encoder/motor cable connections on the electrical box - error changes to "X encoder/motor error"
- There is nothing else to change except the longer Y encoder/motor cables
Attempt #3:
- Receive new Y encoder/motor cables and connect to new Y motor - Y encoder/Motor error
- Swapped X encoder/motor cable connections on the electrical box again - panel loads to "A: Orient"
- Returned encoder/motor to correct position - Y encoder/Motor error
- Swapped servo boards again - Y encoder/Motor error
At this point I have brand new Y encoder/motor cables, front/rear limit cable and a new Y motor. I shouldn't be getting a Y error. If it was one of the servo boards I'm assuming the error would change to "X encoder/motor" but it doesn't. Currently when I swap the X encoder/motor cable connections with the Y I get "A
rient" and loads up just fine.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Issue: On startup, the error "Y Encoder/Motor" appears on the panel.
Attempt #1:
- Cleaned and oiled gantry rails
- Checked lead screw - it moves well manually
- Checked X and Y cable connections, pins, sockets - everything looks good
- Checked front and rear limit switches. They looked ok.
- Swapped front/rear limit cable with right/limit cable
- Error switched to "X encoder/motor"
- Purchased new front/rear limit cable
- Installed new cable
- Y encoder/motor error continues
Attempt #2:
- Check X/Z limit switches, replace with new switches just in case - Y encoder/Motor error
- Swapped X Encoder, Motor and limit cable connections with the Y - error switches over to the X
- Disconnected Y servo motor and plugged in directly to electrical box - Y encoder/Motor error
- Removed and swapped servo boards for the X and Y on the side of the electrical box - Y encoder/Motor error
- Based on the manual troubleshooting steps it appeared we needed a new Y motor so we ordered it
- Received and connected new Y motor directly to electrical box - panel finally loads to "A: Orient"
- Installed motor directly underneath lead screw and connected to longer encoder/motor cables
- Begin orientation, within 2 seconds of it moving - Y encoder/Motor error
- Swapped X encoder/motor cable connections on the electrical box - error changes to "X encoder/motor error"
- There is nothing else to change except the longer Y encoder/motor cables
Attempt #3:
- Receive new Y encoder/motor cables and connect to new Y motor - Y encoder/Motor error
- Swapped X encoder/motor cable connections on the electrical box again - panel loads to "A: Orient"
- Returned encoder/motor to correct position - Y encoder/Motor error
- Swapped servo boards again - Y encoder/Motor error
At this point I have brand new Y encoder/motor cables, front/rear limit cable and a new Y motor. I shouldn't be getting a Y error. If it was one of the servo boards I'm assuming the error would change to "X encoder/motor" but it doesn't. Currently when I swap the X encoder/motor cable connections with the Y I get "A

Any advice would be greatly appreciated