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Glass Curvature


New Member
Will Pro Vehicle outlines or another give me proper glass dimensions or help me adjust graphics with curvature? Need to do about 30 windows with perf vinyl on the rear windshields.


New Member
Yes it should. I use pro vehicle outlines. It will give you the dimensions so you can set up your graphics. Not sure of your model of vehicle though. A quick search should tell you if PVO has your model in it's catalog.


New Member
Some of their templates include the dimensions for glass / irregular surfaces, but PVO is inconsistent from template to template.
For perf, your best bet is to include plenty of excess vinyl and trim to the edge. This means keeping text/ images toward the center of the piece so you have room to give. lt should go without saying, but you need a cast perf/lam to do it right.
If you are wanting to precut a shape that follows a curve, there will be more math involved…


New Member
Trusting a digital template for 30 vehicles? ...well....I'm betting you're gonna try one first!
If you have access to the same vehicle, why not trace your own?
I draw a 1" grid on some 4 or 6" premask, whatever it takes to encompass the curves, apply to the glass.....
draw or cut a line where the glass meets the gasket, remove and lay on your workbench. ( of course, you only need to do 1/2, right?)
Reproduce the curve in your design program, then cut or draw one on some scrap to see how it fits. Note the wiper path and any fasteners that will detract from your design.
Edit and refine the fit as needed....before you add the copy and/or print the graphics.