For current users of GraphixCALC Pro 2, version 2.1.0 has been released. Here is a summary of the updates including several NEW FEATURES:
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- Bug fix related to the deleting of Job items.
- New feature - Ability to override calculated unit prices using the Job Items form.
- New feature - Template Explorer available from main menu.
- New feature - Main screen shows count of all Price Outs, Estimates, Invoices, Work Orders and Unassigned Price Outs. Ability to open each document type from main screen.
- New feature - Main screen shows count of all Jobs organized by status. Ability to open jobs filtered by status from main screen.
- New feature - "Client Financial Report" allows for user-defined filters to fine tune output.
- Revised Job Tracker to display individual Job Items associated with each job. Quick Select control added to allow for easier selection of specific Client.
- Transfer Tape added to main Materials and Reports ribbon menus.
- Added code to preclude user from deleting "zero-based" items in Materials lists.
- Reformatted all forms and reports to minimize clutter.
- Updated and expanded the Help file.
Want to see how others are using GraphixCALC? Want to share tips and tricks? If so, please visit the User's Forum. This is a great place to learn and share information. Please check it out and get involved today.
Or if you prefer, Blog us at
Thanks again for your continued support!