Great forum loads of information here to digest.
Have been in the screen printing industry for 34 years done everything but Textiles (well maybe a little)
Interested in learning more about vinyl cutting for work and also personal.
Currently work at for the last 15 years.
Like anything to do with computers. Website design, Graphic design, Flash, online gaming (yes and old fart that plays online games)
More than happy to help out in the areas that I know and will be asking questions about the stuff I don't.
Glad to meet you all.

Have been in the screen printing industry for 34 years done everything but Textiles (well maybe a little)
Interested in learning more about vinyl cutting for work and also personal.
Currently work at for the last 15 years.
Like anything to do with computers. Website design, Graphic design, Flash, online gaming (yes and old fart that plays online games)
More than happy to help out in the areas that I know and will be asking questions about the stuff I don't.
Glad to meet you all.