New Member
Hello everyone...My name is Jay and I am 24 yrs old and I have been in the sign business since I was 11. My Dad owned a shop that does automotive striping and thirteen years ago we bought a computer and a plotter from JSI Sign System in Atlanta, Ga...We bought this to do decals, 4x4, ect. for our 400+ car dealers that we serviced...which quickly turned into a sign shop on the side. About 2 years after we made this purchase, our business went from 100% automotive to 75% automotive and 25% signs...but now the signs has grown to about 50/50 in our business...This really helps when the automotive business slows down. We don't do tremendous sign or anything complicated because of the automotive business keeps us tied to the shop, but we get by. We do alot of vehicle lettering at our shop and we are currently thinking of expanding our shop with a digital printer. So if anyone has a versacamm or a Summa DC3 and wants to share there thoughts and input on these I would appreciate it. I would like to know on average how much it cost you to print signs...(not specifics like .32 sq./ft, but like 4x4 sign usually cost me $ ? ). Stuff like that. Thanks, for getting to know me a little...maybe I can get to know ya'll a little, also!