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HELP! Did I just install the wrong material?!


New Member
Hey all,

We have a recurring job at our local airport. The graphics are full window coverings on several window panes - large top panes from ceiling to about waist height, and smaller bottom panels from waist high to the floor. The windows are along TSA security, so we're using a gray-backed adhesive.

We just installed the 2nd round of graphics. The first time, we used 3M LX480mC high-performance, removable cast film. The removal was kind of tough, but manageable. This time around, we decided to go to an intermediate film. We have 3M IJ35C calendered on-hand, and we use it for quite a lot of different things. So, we printed the 2nd round of graphics on that. They've been installed for a few weeks now. My supervisor and I had a meeting and this job came up. We started discussing the different adhesive types - removable vs interchangeable vs permanent - and realized that the IJ35C is a permanent adhesive.

These graphics are probably going to be up for the next 6 months, or so (we're thinking it's going to be a bi-annual project). Is it going to be an absolute nightmare to remove the IJ35C from these glass windows?! Should we reprint and re-install sooner, rather than later, on a "removable" adhesive film? We have 3M 48C that we can reprint on, it's intermediate/removable. Wondering if anyone else has been in this situation before? Any media recommendations? Gray-back, air-release, ideally a 60" roll (but we can tile panels on 54" if needed), latex-compatible, ideal for short-term window graphics?

Thanks, y'all. I always appreciate the insight!


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New Member
We use 40c for stuff like this for the same concerns you have with 35 on windows. You may be able to use IJ-36 as well if it's such short term, we've used it for a week long event and it was great. Customer removed themselves after since it was so easy.


New Member
I've removed quite a few permanent adhesive printed vinyl decals (Orajet 3551RA) that have been on windows for over a year outside, and never had a problem peeling it off. Some peel off much harder than others, but they do come off. But do what you think is best. Nice job by the way. I'm sad you didn't split the window frame thru someone's face on the graphic, lol.


New Member
I've removed quite a few permanent adhesive printed vinyl decals (Orajet 3551RA) that have been on windows for over a year outside, and never had a problem peeling it off. Some peel off much harder than others, but they do come off. But do what you think is best. Nice job by the way. I'm sad you didn't split the window frame thru someone's face on the graphic, lol.
thank you! i'm hoping it won't be too much of an issue, since we would have to eat the cost of the reprint. thankfully, i don't design the graphics, or you bet I would make them split in the most inconvenient places :p haha.. really though, i saw some graphics installed like that in our mall, and it made me cringe. we've schooled the designers on what not to do for print designs, because we've had a lot of brochures fold on the faces, and they just didn't understand it


New Member
We use 40c for stuff like this for the same concerns you have with 35 on windows. You may be able to use IJ-36 as well if it's such short term, we've used it for a week long event and it was great. Customer removed themselves after since it was so easy.
thanks! I have a piece of 40C that i'm testing on a pane of glass we have here in our shop. I think we'll opt for that next time around. Hopefully I won't kick myself when it comes time to remove the IJ35


New Member
Removal on glass is fine, just cut the vinyl into 12" wide strips with a knife first, and peel the strips off, dont use a black utility knife blade as it will scratch the glass, but a standard blade won't.
ah thank you!! I will remember that for removal - it sounds like a game-changer to cut it into those strips.. workin smarter, not harder. i dig it! Also will make a mental note to switch out my blade, as we're using the black blades now, and it would be a bummer to scratch up these windows!


New Member
Removal on glass is fine, just cut the vinyl into 12" wide strips with a knife first, and peel the strips off, dont use a black utility knife blade as it will scratch the glass, but a standard blade won't.
thanks for this suggestion -- we bit the bullet and decided to remove and replace the 35C with 40C - used the 12" strip method for the removal of the 35C, and I honestly could have probably left it in place for longer! We're just not sure how long the client wanted this graphic up, so i'm glad I replaced it now.
35c will probably not be the worst considering it is indoors, hopefully out of the sun.
since it was inside and out of the sun, it really wasn't anywhere near as bad as I had originally imagined.

thanks, y'all for the suggestions. Live and learn, right? The 40C is actually quite a nice material to work with. We never really used it before, so I'm happy to have it in the arsenal of options now!