I am in the same boat here. For one, the Mutoh Outdoor 48"/Graphtec FC5100-75 combo appears to be the best bang for the buck at around $15k. But, the VersaCAMM 540V also appears to be a good machine, albeit more expensive at $20k. I think I've resigned myself to getting a 48" or bigger machine. Just seems to make good sense to get something that will do a "full sheet" w/o tiling. That being said, I am also concerned with tech support, even though many say that this hasn't been an issue. The guy I get my printing from (MasterSignWizard) is geographically quite close to me and did have a load of trouble with his 30" VersaCAMM - so support is important to me. On a similar note, he's offered to help me (even though I'd now be doing my own printing and not using him for much) and has the Roland 545EX. Having someone close willing to help you with a similar machine could be very beneficial, so that leads me to maybe want the 540V (can't justify any more expense) but it is another $5k more than the Mutoh combo. How clean does your room need to be to successfully operate this equipment? Can it be in a 'slightly' dirty environment, or would you just be asking for trouble?
Another question/concern from a similar thread is media. From the looks of it, there isn't a lot of 48" material and 54" is much more common - any advice or experience on that? Do you print on all kinds of media, or do you only use what is included with the profiles? Similarly, sounds like the media profile is one of the most important things to have right. But, I still get varying degrees of info depending on who I talk to. Some say the profile has to be near perfect or the prints just won't come out. Others say that you can use the same profile for lots of materials with very little color shift. What has been your EXPERIENCE with media profiling?
What about software? What are most of you using that have what I would consider "entry-level" printers? Are you using Corel and the included RIP or did you spring and buy Flexi or Signlab? The problem I'm having is getting consistent advice/answers on so many levels - everyone has a widely different opinion. I've talked to a few vendors and users and am currently more confused than informed. Some say you have to get better RIP and software, others say the included RIP is fine and others are somewhere in-between. I am just trying to get as much GOOD information as possible so I can make an intelligent decision. Being an Engineer, I guess I am WAY to concerned with details than maybe I need to be.
I know that to some of you, $15k or $20k is no big deal, but it sure is to me and I can't afford a $15k boat anchor. Sounds like any of the machines mentioned here are actually quite good, but I also need to know what ALL is required here.
I am still not sure of lamination requirements. I know that any vehicle stuff requires it, but am not sure if liquid is okay or if film is necessary. I get varying info. Seems that majority is FOR film lamination and NOT liquid - any EXPERIENCE on this?
Based on my research, here's how I see it:
Printer: $12k - $20k
Cutter (if req'd): $3k - $5k
Laminator: $1k - $15k (depending on liquid or film and quality of unit)
Software: $0 - $3k
Photo Spectomoter: ~$3k (to create profiles)
Total: $16k - $46k - what is the reality here?
Part of me wonders if I can even justify such an expense at all to do this right and not just get what I can get to get by, you know?!
WOW! This is a long-winded reply, I hope someone is kind enough to answer a thing or two and not just blow by it