Hey sushanta, I'm working from my cell so will have to be shorter than I'd like. My main statement is that I rarely see actual need for head replacement on those style heads other than drying out and clogging up. If you can see physcial damage to the head plate, then it is damaged. But if you cannot, the head plates on those are generally stronger than the belts or X-axis motors on those machines. This means that something else is usually causing your quality issue other than head physical damage.
Poor print quality on those heads (aside from dry clogs) is almost always due to damper, gravity ink flow, and vacuum line/pump issues.
If you struck something and then IMMEDIATELY lost and couldn't recover nozzles ... May be a nozzle issue. But if you struck something and then maybe gave up for the night or your wiper or cleaning station isn't working right ... Different story.
Anyway for a real analysis to even begin by the internet folks, you need to post pictures of the following: nozzle check, patches of C, M, Y, & K separately, pictures of cleaning station, and the head plate itself (send to maintenance mode).
Also, where are you located? I see helpful people all over this forum offering to stop by other shops if they are local or as they travel. I'm in New Orleans and DC regularly as well as everywhere else if that helps!