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New Member
Hi there-
Just joined up and I'm quite new to sign-making, put my first bit of vinyl on a truck 3 days ago, it was fun and for it being my first try and trying to apply it in the dark I think I did quite well. Trying to find a glossary of sign-making specific terms and maybe a few beginner information sites, anyone aware of any? Thanks, I'm already learning alot from this forum-

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Hi Allis and welcome to Signs 101.

I've seen glossaries from time to time .... I think signwarehouse.com might have one.

Your participation here will probably go a lot further in helping you gain knowledge.

But since you mention it, this site does have an little used feature called the Encyclopedia section. It has some definitions and articles for computer terms right now. If I had a few volunteers to take charge of organizing and compiling a topical approach to signmaking terms, techniques and procedures, then I'd be happy to set up a blank encyclopedia for that purpose.

Hint hint hint .....

Mike Paul

Premium Subscriber

I know I have seen a glossary printed in one of the trade mags. SignCraft or Sign Business.
I'd check their sites also.


New Member
I'd buy a few sign mags for starters ... Signs of the times, Sign Business, Signcraft. Read through em .. in those you will find information on where and how to purchase other documentation related to the sign business.

Also, sticking around here will help you allot to.

Welcome aboard :thumb:


New Member
Are there any Chain stores that carry any of these magazines or any books on vinyl???

I tried looking at Borders and Barnes and Nobel and could not find anything... I found a single book that had a bunch of old signs from Route 66.....

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Signs 101 has a weblinks section where you will find lots of places to handle these needs. Here is the one for magazines and trade journals.


National Business Media publishes "Sign Business" magazine and normally will give you a free 6 month subscription as a new subscriber. They have lots of articles related to vinyl graphics. The gem of the bunch is SignCraft. They do sell through many art supply stores and their website should have a list of where to buy the magazine. I recommend subscribing to it though. It's worth ten times the price.


New Member
And welcome from Illinois where there "IS" noise!
Hey to ya all as I haven't been here for a good while. Deb


New Member
I remember buying vinyl letters from Fred back in the good old days in the early 90's! it was Allied Compugraphics, and they ran a tight ship, nice stuff, lots of fonts to choose from. That's been since the early 90's because I got my gerber 4b in 1994!


New Member
Thanks for the help, the recommendations and welcomes- checking through the trade mag links right now. Also, on another site I found <a href="http://associates.tradepub.com/free/sb/">this offer</a> for a free sub to sign builder illustrated, not sure if it'll ever actually come, but worth a try.