Geneva Olson
Expert Storyteller
Last week I had my HP315 looked at and checked over by my supplier. It was giving me an error message 61:03. Because of this forum I figured out that it was possibly the internet connection, but it kept happening so I called a guy in. He told me the printer was drying at too high of a temperature and recalibrated, etc.
About a day after he left, the print quality went down. I've had my machine for about a year and a half now and never changed the print heads. The quality is grainy overall. So, I just want to get some reassurance from the forum. An optimizer print head is coming. Will this fix the problem? I've attacked a photo of what the prints look like now.
About a day after he left, the print quality went down. I've had my machine for about a year and a half now and never changed the print heads. The quality is grainy overall. So, I just want to get some reassurance from the forum. An optimizer print head is coming. Will this fix the problem? I've attacked a photo of what the prints look like now.