Last month I was prompted with a low ink message so I ordered a new 680ml cartridge. The printer stopped printing when it showed 0% and I changed it out. I've had the old "empty" cart sitting here and today when I was going to toss it out it felt kind of heavy to me so I cut it open - the outside plastic casing. Inside is a mylar bag that holds the ink and collapses as the ink is drawn down. Upon taking a look at the inners I realized there seemed to be a good bit of ink left in the semi-collapsed bag so I pierced the bag on the bottom corner and drained what was left inside into a container (picture) and weighed it. There was 5.105 oz of ink left in the "empty" cartridge which is around 150 ml. That seems like a good bit to be left.
Does this sound right? Anyone realize this too?
Does this sound right? Anyone realize this too?