New Member
I had just printed on the HP Scitex FB700 the Friday before Christmas. The quality was poor but would get by in some instances. We lost power twice in a just a couple days prior to printing. I came in that Saturday and the machine would not print. I attempted to load the media and it gave me an error that stated I needed to perform a head height calibration. After a little research I found out how to do a head height cal. Only thing is now that I've gotten that far, the option when I go to Tools>Service Printer>Service Calibrations, Service Calibrations isn't there. Not sure how to proceed.I've contacted HP Support which I'm not sure was a successful endeavor or not. The guy I spoke with's, while I'm sure his grammar was much better than mine, accent was super thick. Have any of you come across a problem like this and if so what did you do about it? Thanks in advance!