I'm the afore mentioned co-worker, and did indeed pick up a Graphtec package from the 'dreaded' SignWarehouse. (With a certain amount of trepidation I might add, I'll also add that so far, so good, and I have nothing to complain about yet. Of course I haven't had to get any additioinal service from them yet either!)
I kept running into the same recomendations you are seeing for cutters. I first decided on a Roland, but with some advice and recommendations from Chris went to the Graphtec. I decided that I wanted as complete a bundle of software and 'goodies' as I could get. I augmented the package with 'starter sets' of materials (figuring I'll be spending a lot of time looking like a cartoon character wrapped in flypaper) and a package of basic tools.
I did some heavy thinking before I made the investment. I am not looking to set up shop here, but rather to retire in 2 - 3 years, and have a means of income to make that early retirement possible. I did some research in the area I am planning to retire to, and found that there is one sign shop in each of two of the three towns in the area. None in the small town I'll be moving to. It's also a very 'artsy-crafty' area with a lot of festivals, street fair events and it seems to me to be room for things like 'etched' glass panels, decorative mirrors and the like. Touristy stuff.
I have the luxury to be able to spend some serious time with the equipment to learn it, and to hone my own skills on layout/design and application so when I am ready to hang out my own sign I'll really
be ready. My artistic talents are minimal (I am in absolute awe of the talents of many of you), my layout/design skills are fledgling but with practice will improve. I hope I have the required amout of what seems to me to be the number one requirement for a good sign maker - imagination. In the meantime I'll be sticking foo-foo filigree to every glass panel and table in my house, inundating my friends and family with tacky mirrors, and maybe even doing my part to beautify my neighborhood by getting rid of some of the magic-marker cardboard boxes littering the street corners advertising yard sales.. (Hmmm yard sale sign rentals ?¿?)
I'll be spending more time lurking here than posting because I learn more by reading than I do typing. My thanks to all of you that share your knowledge, experience, and philosphy. And an extra public thanks to your resident cat-herder.. I'm fortunate to have that resource so available.
Bob P.